There are numerous classes of visitors. A visitor is somebody who generally intends to be in the UK for a short period, for example, to see friends and family, to do business concern, to do a short course of study, to have personal medical checkup. The information given here aims to handle with the several categories of visitors coming to the UK.

You must show that:

You wish to visit the UK for no more than 6 months;
You intend to leave the UK at the end of your visit;
You have sufficient money to keep yourself during your stay in the UK without working or needing help from public funds. See more on ‘Public funds’ under ‘more advice and information';
You do not signify to take paid or unpaid employment.
The Different Categories of Visit of UK are;

  • General Visitor
  • Family Visitor
  • Business Visitor
  • Sports Visitor
  • Entertainer Visitor

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